Cabinet’s decision to approve the repeal and replacement of the NGO Act No. 16 of 2009 cheers Chipenzi

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The Council of NGOs in Zambia says it’s excited and pleased with the decision by Cabinet to approve in principle, the repeal and replacement of the NGO Act No. 16 of 2009.

Council of NGOs in Zambia Chairperson McDaonald Chipenzi says the repeal and replacement process of the controversial NGO Act is long overdue as it has been ongoing for close to 11 years now.

Mr. Chipenzi says the repeal of the ACT would result into strengthening the current NGO legal framework by providing for registration,coordination and regulation of the NGOs in line with the National NGO Policy approved by Cabinet on 9thth April,2018 and launched in October,2018.

He says the need to create a conducive environment for active participation of NGOs in national development through the putting of appropriate legislation is the best way for both government and NGOs.

Mr Chipenzi states that it’s exciting that Cabinet recognized the pivotal role NGOs play in contributing to national development by complimenting government’s efforts in service delivery and through advocacy,capacity building activities and checks and balances to government.

He has since commended Minister of Community Development and Social Services for walking the talk following the last meeting held with the CNGOs and other concerned NGOs that she would seek Cabinet approval on the repeal and replacement process.

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