Reject Constitution Amendment Bill, Banda calls on Zambians

People’s Alliance for Change (PAC) president Andyford Banda has called on Zambians to reject any amendment to the constitution arising from the National Dialogue Forum.

Mr. Banda says the country should never allow a few greedy individuals to make changes to the constitution which the majority of Zambians did not ask for.

He states that the constitution is the supreme law of the land which should not be changed merely to suit the aspirations of a few people at the expense of the majority.

Mr Banda states that PAC believes that any constitution amendment must be necessitated by the people’s demands and not when a group of self-serving politicians convene to continue abusing privileges.

He has stressed that the u-turn by the Patriotic Front on some of the NDF resolutions is also an indication that if Zambians put their voices together and be loud enough to those who claim to have power over them, they will make progress in making things right for the country.

Mr Banda says the moment Minister of Justice Given Lubinda and Attorney General Likando Kalaluka bulldozed the national dialogue process is the day real dialogue died.

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