Salim Dawood calls on President Lungu to pardon Sinjela

A freelance Zambian journalist has written to President Edgar Lungu to asking him to consider invoking his discretion on the prerogative of mercy and pardon jailed Rainbow Newspaper Editor-in-Chief Derrick Sinjela.

Mr Sinjela is serving an 18 months jail sentence for contempt of court over articles his newspaper published accusing Supreme court justices of being corrupt in the manner they handled the Stanbic Bank vs Savenda case.

Salim Dawood says he is affected, saddened and depressed about Mr Sinjela’s jailing especially that he was instrumental in molding his journalism career which began some 12 years ago.

Mr. Dawood says Mr. Sinjela’s jailing has robbed the media industry of an experienced media practitioner, a media freedoms campaigner and mentor to many upcoming scribes.

He is hopeful that President Lungu who he described as a friend of the media and defender of media practitioners will consider his appeal to pardon Mr. Sinjela.

Meanwhile Civil Society Constitutional Agenda (CiSCA) Committee Member Macdonald Chipenzi says it is sad that Mr. Sinjela has been jailed for simply fighting for freedom of speech, expression and opinion.

Speaking after visiting the jailed journalist at Lusaka central prison where he’s serving his sentence, Mr. Mr Chipenzi says this is the time to encourage him as he is going through this difficult time.

And CISCA treasurer Judith Mulenga has encouraged journalists in the country to take time and visit Mr. Sinjela as this will motivate him as he serves his sentence.


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