Constitution Bill is subject to successful dialogue – Lubinda


Justice Minister Given Lubinda says the publication of the Constitution Amendment Bill is subject to the success of the national dialogue.

Mr Lubinda has told Q-news that government will not publish the Constitution Amendment Bill as long as there is an impasse between the church and the Zambia Centre for Interparty Dialogue over the National Dialogue.

He says government will remain consultative and patient as it still wants to hear the views of the Zambian people before undertaking any constitution reforms.

Mr. Lubinda says the ZCID should inform government on what the views of the people are with regards the proposed constitution reforms.

He adds that government is also waiting to hear the views of the people on the Public Order Act review and the Political Parties Bill.

Mr. Lubinda has however, stated that government does not intend to wait indefinitely.

He says for the time being, government is observing developments and will at an appropriate time make its position known.


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