Govt urged to assist Persons living with Albinism

albinoNational Albinism Networking Association of Zambia President Dickson Konkola has urged government and well-wishers to assist persons living with Albinism with protective clothing during this period that the country is experiencing extreme heat.

Mr. Konkola told Q news that people living with albinism have been badly affected by the heat that is being experienced currently in the country.

He says the sunscreen lotion that is provided by the ministry of health alone is not enough to protect people living with albinism who are currently finding it difficult to conduct day to day activities because of the heat.

He has revealed that people living with albinism need long sleeved shirts, clothes with the appropriate material and breamed hats among other garments to shield them from the sun and the heat.

He has since called upon government and other corporate entities to look into the plight of people living with albinism stating that most of them come from low to middle income earning families who cannot afford to provide the necessary protective clothing.

In the recent days Lusaka and some other parts of the country have been experiencing high temperatures of above 30 degrees Celsius.

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