UPND disappointed, Zampost has lagged behind in Technology

The opposition UPND has expressed disappointment that Zampost has continued experiencing financial challenges at a time technology and communications has advanced.

The UPND thinks that dire financial challenges Zampost appears to be in is a confirmation of what it has been suspecting that government could be broke and is allegedly not in a position to meet routine expenses as before.

In a statement to Qfm News UPND Chairperson for Labour Percy Chanda says his party also suspects that mismanagement is what has allegedly led to both job losses and service failure at Zampost.

Mr. Chanda says the UPND foresee this situation to continue as long as there in no transparency and appointments at the top management of such institutions are made on the basis of political patronage and nepotism, rather than skill and merit.

She states the UPND strongly support the principle of employment on the basis of merit because such an approach is not only fair but also leads to the better management of entities like Zampost in avoiding future job losses and salary freezes.

Mr. Chanda notes his party believes that efficient management will in fact allow such entities to grow and flourish thereby creating more jobs.

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