Golden jubilee not about PF – Chipimo

National Restoration party President Elias Chipimo junior says Zambia’s Golden Jubilee is not about the Patriotic Front, but about something far greater.

Addressing a media briefing in Lusaka today ahead of tomorrow’s commemoration of the country’s 50 years of independence, Mr Chipimo says it would be a grave mistake for the opposition to turn their backs on the sacrifice of those who fought for the country’s liberation simply because they are not the ones that happen to be in power or because they do not approve of the way the country is being governed.

Mr Chipimo says opposition parties should not turn their backs on the national events that will be lined up because they feel that somehow this will enhance their credentials of concern for the poor and vulnerable.

He says the celebration of such an important milestone of independence is about the freedoms that were secured on behalf of the Zambian people by countless heroes and heroines, many of whom – in spite of their total dedication to the struggle – would never have imagined that the would be free to make the choices available to today.

Mr Chipimo says by taking part in the official and unofficial events lined up as a way of marking this important milestone, it will an acknowledgement of the sacrifice made by the forebears that set in motion the ability of Zambians to take control of their own destiny as a nation.

The NAREP President states that those that are yet to be born, should not be deprived of the chance to cherish their history through the commemoration and celebration of it, no matter how unpleasant certain aspects of the past may be.

Mr Chipimo has also called for the need to remember republican President Michael Sata as he faces his toughest challenge yet.

He says NAREP prays for the President and his family and for his safe return.

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