Final draft constitution finally released

Government has finally released the long awaited final draft constitution.

Acting Justice Minister Ngosa Simbyakula tabled the draft constitution document in parliament today to coincide with the country’s golden jubilee which falls tomorrow.

However the road-map for the constitution making process which one of the demands of the stakeholders has not been presented

Dr Simbyakula says the release of the draft constitution will allow the Zambian people go through the document.

Justice Minister Edgar Lungu had last week assured the grand coalition that government would release the draft constitution during the independence week.

And All People’s Congress Party (APC) President Nason Msoni says his party has decided to participate in jubilee celebrations under-protest in view of government’s decision to release the final draft constitution.

Mr Msoni says his party will join in celebrating the country’s jubilee under-protest owing to the fact that government has not released the roadmap for enacting the new constitution.

Meanwhile Mr Msoni has wished President Michael Sata a quick recovery.

And former Open Society Foundation Executive Director Sunday Chanda says President Michael Sata and PF Government must be commended for honouring the promise to release the final draft constitution today, the 23rd of October 2014.

Mr Chanda says this decision is remarkable and demonstrates Government’s goodwill to give Zambians a new constitution.

He says all well-meaning Zambians will be expected to commend this decisive step and further commit to engage in progressive debates around the contents of the constitution.

Mr Chanda says the decision by Government to release the draft constitution has added immense value to the Independence Celebrations.

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