Daily Archives: March 6, 2015

Kunda commends Lungu for inclusive govt

Presence of God Ministries Apostle, Christopher Kunda has commended President Lungu for being inclusive in his governance. Apostle Kunda notes that the President has so far demonstrated a spirit of inclusiveness and has shown that he is ready to work with everyone regardless of the political parties they are coming from. He however, hopes that President Lungu’s appointment of those ...

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Political hatred in Zambia worries Saunders

Political Activist Dante Saunders says he is worried with the political hatred prevailing in the country. Mr. Saunders has told Qfm News in an interview that politicians should be in the forefront preaching peace and love and not hatred. Mr. Saunders has advised politicians to let go of the hatred that they harbor towards one another because it will take ...

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HH has brought calamity on himself- Sinkamba

Green party President Peter Sinkamba says UPND President Hakainde Hichilema should not cry foul that he is being harassed by the Patriotic Front government. Mr. Sinkamba says Mr. Hichilema brought what is happening to him on himself. Mr. Sinkamba stresses that what is happening to Mr. Hichilema were Police summoned him for questioning over remarks he made should be a ...

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Hamududu calls for abolition of District Commissioner office

Chairperson of the Expanded Parliamentary Committee on Estimates Highvie Hamududu has called for the abolition of the office of District Commissioner. Mr Hamududu says the work of the District Commissioners is a duplication of what Town Clerks and Council Secretaries do in Districts. Mr. Hamududu who is also opposition UPND Bweengwa Member of Parliament says office of District Commissioner is ...

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Charges sought over US envoy attack

South Korean police say they are seeking a detention warrant for a man who slashed the US ambassador to South Korea on charges of attempted murder. Ambassador Mark Lippert is recovering in hospital after Kim Ki-jong attacked him with a knife on Thursday. During the attack, Mr Kim called for reunification of the two Koreas. Police said they were also ...

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Mungo tips youths as they commemorate Youth Day

Youths have called upon to use this year’s Youth Day Commemoration to confront government to pledge commitment to adequately address youth unemployment in the country. The youth have been advised to take advantage of the fact that the country has a Jubilee President who is expected to set a new tone of how issues affecting young people should be addressed ...

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