Zambians urged to provide solutions to current challenges

NAREP Leader Elias Chipimo

NAREP Leader Elias Chipimo

Opposition National Restoration Party President Elias Chipimo has urged Zambians to help come up with solutions to the challenges facing the country.

Mr. Chipimo says people should not wait for the government to come up with solutions, but that every individual should play a part in transforming the economy.

He adds that it is high time government also realized that it does not know everything and get ideas from the people of Zambia on how to address some of the challenges the country is facing.

Mr. Chipimo notes that there many Zambians out there who have ideas on how some of the economic challenges the country is facing can be addressed and hence government can take advantage of these people.

He further states that at the end of the day, it is a Zambia for everyone hence the need for people to help come up with solutions.

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