GEARS questions Kalumba’s selection as electoral envoy to Madagascar

GEARS Initiative Zambia has questioned the appointment of former Minister of Finance Katele Kalumba as special envoy to monitor the November 7 Madagascan presidential election.

Executive Director McDonald Chipenzi has wondered what message President Edgar Lungu is sending to the nation and the electorate in Madagascar by making such an appointment.

Mr. Chipenzi states that he personally finds it shocking that President Lungu could make such an appointment despite knowing that Dr. Kalumba has been convinced for corruption.

He has told Q-News that by appointing Dr. Kalumba as his special envoy to monitor the Madagascan presidential election, President Lungu has only shown how he is paying lip service to the fight against corruption.

Mr. Chipenzi says he is thus left to doubt whether President Lungu does want to have a credible electoral process in that country.

He states that SADC is however expected to do better than this especially that Madagascar has experienced turbulent political and electoral tests in the recent years.

Mr. Chipenzi is of the view that presidential elections in that Country requires credible men and women from the region to oversee the electoral process.

He says President Lungu, who is also SADC chairperson of Defense, Security and Peace, has, on the other hand, defeated the prospects of Madagascar having a credible electoral process.

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