EL, HH urged to find time to talk

Presence of God Ministries overseer Apostle Christopher Kunda says national dialogue will not take place if President Edgar Lungu and UPND leader Hakainde Hichilema do not speak to each other first.

Apostle Kunda says the two leaders must find some time alone to speak to each other before the dialogue.

vlcsnap-1351-04-16-06h31m06s292He believes the national dialogue is being delayed because the two leaders have not shown leadership to privately engage each other and reconcile over their past differences.

In an interview with QTV News, Apostle Kunda has cautioned that if the two leaders do not reconcile, it will be difficult for anyone to preside over any dialogue which they will be part of.

Apostle Kunda states that President Lungu and Mr. Hichilema must therefore swallow their pride and reach out to each other.

He is encouraging them to take a leaf from Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta and opposition leader Raila Odinga led by example in reconciling themselves and the people of Kenya.

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