Wina encourages SMEs to focus on skills development

Vice President Inonge Wina

Vice President Inonge Wina

Vice President Inonge Wina has encouraged Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) to be innovative and acquire necessary skills if their businesses are to record growth.

Mrs. Wina says focusing on developing skills and promoting innovations will enable SMEs to have sustainable incomes.

Speaking during the official opening of the World Expo Development Forum Mrs. Wina says  which is being held under the theme ,scaling up through :Trade ,Skill ,Innovate and connect.

She says it is important for SMEs to shift their mindsets and believe that they can do it, not giving up and seeing competition as an opportunity rather than a problem.

Speaking earlier Commerce Trade and Industry Minister Christopher Yaluma has assured that women they will be given priority when accessing funds from the Citizen Economic Empowerment Commission.

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