Mwale denies being bribed by President Lungu

Media Institute for Southern Africa (MISA) Zambia chairperson Helen Mwale has denied assertions THAT she has been bribed by President Edgar Lungu to support the PF government.

Ms. Mwale says it is not true that  she is a beneficiary of some monies that have been allegedly given to public media heads to give biased coverage to the ruling PF and government.

MISA Zambia Chapter Chairperson Hellen Mwale

Hellen Mwale

She states that there has not been also a meeting between her and President Lungu which is being alleged to have taken place.

Ms. Mwale says any suggestion that President Lungu has paid her money are thus totally false.

She has since called on journalists in the Country to report accurately, fairly and objectively adding the profession of journalism requires that one keeps an eye open in discharging their duties.

Ms. Mwale is urging journalists to be wary that integrity always last longer than sensationalism.

She says journalists in the Country should therefore avoid publishing lies and speculations.

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