TIZ wants new ACC DG appointed on merit

TIZ Executive Director Goodwell Lungu

TIZ Executive Director Goodwell Lungu

Transparent International Zambia (TIZ) has appealed to President Edgar Lungu to appoint Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) Director General on merit.

TIZ Executive Director Goodwell Lungu says his organization wants President Lungu to appoint a person who is firm, instills a sense of confidence in fighting corruption and has been practicing law for more than 10 years.

Mr. Lungu says TIZ will support the next ACC Director General provided he or she fits in the qualifications which resonate with constitutional requirement.

Mr. Lungu says on the other side, TIZ stands ready to castigate the next DG if they fail to discharge their duties in a professional manner because corruption is a danger to the country’s national development.

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