Veep makes assurance amid poor rainfall

Government has assured people in the rural areas of the Country of its protection from the adverse effects that will arise from this year’s poor rainfall pattern.

Vice President Inonge Wina says government is aware that people in the rural areas that depend on rainfall fade farming are the most vulnerable to this varying rainfall pattern.

Ms. Wina who is also National Planning Minister says this is besides rolling out the Social Cash Transfer progrVeep Winaamme.

She says government is also pondering on sustaining the School Feeding Programme given the positive impact it has had on the nutrition status of children in areas it is being implemented.

Ms. Wina states that the poor rainfall the Country is experiencing is further reason why government wants to continue with the school feeding programme.

The vice president was speaking this morning in Lusaka when visiting World Food Programme Executive Director Ertharin Cousin called on her at her office.

And Ms. Cousin is happy that the Zambian government has started putting in place measures to mitigate the imminent food crisis that will follow the poor rainfall the Country is receiving this year.

Ms. Cousin says the WFP will look at how it will work with the Zambian government in not only mitigating the crisis, but also to seize the opportunity it presents.

She notes that Zambia’s second year of drought presents an opportunity for crop diversification.

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