Milupi questions wisdom behind splitting ministries

Alliance for Democracy and Development (ADD) President, Charles Milupi has added his voice in questioning the wisdom behind the splitting of Ministries by President Edgar Lungu.

Mr. Milupi does not understand how President Lungu arrived at the decision to split some Ministries thereby creating five new ones, at a time when the Zambia is in a crisis.Milupi

He says the current power shortage, high unemployment levels and the high cost of living requires a developing country like Zambia to enforce austerity measures.

Mr. Milupi has wondered why therefore President Lungu has decided to increase public expenditure through the creation of new Ministries against a failing economy.

He believes the current Ministries would have sufficed with additional instructions.

Mr. Milupi states that this is considering that sometimes lack of performance does not mean there are deficiencies in structural formations of Ministries.

He says it is in fact individuals placed in certain positions that fail to perform.

The ADD leader has however, described President Lungu’s speech in general as excellent especially if everything contained in it will be implemented as stipulated.

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