Yamba urges putting in place programmes for rural areas

Secretary to the Treasury Fredson Yamba says there is need to put in place programmes that will ensure people in rural areas benefit from the development gains the country has made.

Mr. Yamba notes that certain areas in the country still do not have access to clean water, health facilities and education, an indication of discrepancies between the people in urban and rural areas.

He further notes that issues of employment creation are more concentrated in urban areas than in rural areas.

He states that there is need to ensure rural areas benefit much as the people in urban areas are benefiting from the country’s wealth.

Mr. Yamba points out that the poverty levels in rural areas are very high and yet rural areas have huge potential to contribute to the economic growth of the nation.

He further states that if value addition activities can be promoted in rural areas, this will help create employment and income for people in those areas.

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