Police warn unlicensed fire arm users

Charity Munganga Chanda

Charity Munganga Chanda

The Zambia Police Service has warned that it will not allow the use of firearms by unlicensed people.

Police Spokesperson Charity Munganga – Chanda says for any person to own a firearm they have to obtain a license from the Police service in accordance with the law.

Ms Chanda has told QFM News via telephone that the police will not allow anyone to use a firearm without obtaining necessary documentation.

She adds that when applying for a firearm license, one has to give reasons why they need it so that the Police can put that into consideration.

Ms Chanda has since advised people owning firearms without licenses to comply with the requirements of the law or risk facing the wrath of the law.

Meanwhile, Political Activist Dante Saunders has told Qfm News in a separate interview that it is distressing that the use of firearms, knives and machetes during campaigns has continued by party cadres.


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