PF govt lacks effective supervision – Msoni

The opposition All People’s Congress (APC) has expressed concern at the extent at which government officials are presently traveling abroad.

The APC is worried that there appears to be lack of effective supervision under the Patriotic Front (PF) government because it does not think Cabinet Ministers should be making international travels at the point they are doing.

APC president Nason Msoni says his party is left to wonder what the Ministers are doing abroad when the challenge they should be concerned about is in their home country.

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Nason Msoni

Mr. Msoni has told Qfm News by telephone that the APC is of the view that if President Edgar Lungu is serious about running government he cannot allow a situation where Cabinet Ministers travel abroad as they like.

He states that APC thinks that President Lungu needs to have a grip of his government because what is being deprived by the trips Cabinet Ministers are making is the hospitals and schools that need more funding.

The APC president notes that President Lungu must put to an end this alleged lawlessness being exhibited under his administration.

He has suggested that if there are Ministers who wish to be tourists and travel abroad they must do so using their personal resources.

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