MISA urged to uphold transparency in awarding journalists

SAEF Secretary General Zambia Chapter Patson Phiri

SAEF Secretary General Zambia Chapter Patson Phiri

The Southern African Editors Forum (SAEF) has appealed to the Media Institute of Southern Africa (MISA) Zambia to uphold transparency and integrity when awarding media   practitioners.

SAEF Secretary General Zambia Chapter Patson Phiri has noted with concern the many complaints by the media fraternity regarding the manner in which MISA Zambia has been awarding deserving journalists and institutions.

Mr. Phiri says there is need for MISA Zambia to invest in good judges in order for the awards to carry the correct meaning.

He states that all the complaints with regards the criteria MISA Zambia has been using to award journalists and institutions are genuine.

Mr. Phiri has also observed that the country is investing in wrong mechanisms to promote the quality of journalists.


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