Nawakwi calls for revision of education Curriculum

Nawakwi rally

Opposition Forum for Democracy and Development (FDD) President Edith Nawakwi says the country’s education Curriculum needs to be revisited to include financial and entrepreneurial education.

Ms. Nawakwi says the current Curriculum does not encourage learners to think “outside the box” and to have enterprising skills to use after they leave school.

She observes that the current education system encourages and teaches children to only aspire for white collar jobs in government as opposed to making money through innovative means were they can even become employers.

Ms. Nawakwi said challenges of unemployment will continue to be the order of the day in the country as long the education curriculum remains the same.

She notes that the country needs to start imparting financial management and entrepreneurial skills in children at a tender age so as to make them understand that they too can make it by being innovative and not only aspire to work in government or for someone.

The FDD leader adds that with adequate support from government, College and University graduates will no longer queue up looking for main stream jobs but will be looking for capital to start up their own businesses.

And the opposition leader has called on voters to guard against politicians going to them with empty promises.

Ms. Nawakwi said presidential candidates promising things such as reducing the price of mealie meal within two weeks and paying farmers when they failed to do so when they had a chance are just lying to them so that they can secure votes.

She urged voters to see through such political gimmicks as voting for such people will only disappoint them as has been the case in previous elections were electorates voted for individuals based on “sugar coated promises” without scrutinizing the candidates to determine if they were capable of fulfilling their promises.

She appealed to voters in Eastern Province to vote for her because she was not promising the impossible like other candidates but because she had the best long term solution for the country.

Ms. Nawakwi completed her campaign tour of Eastern Province on Sunday were she held several meetings including a rally in Chipata.

She has since moved to North Western Province as she continues canvassing for votes ahead of next Tuesday’s election.

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