Nawakwi calls for an end to students challenges

Nawakwi E

FDD Leader Edith Nawakwi

Forum for Democracy and Development (FDD) President Edith Nawakwi says it is high time the country found a lasting solution to the challenges being faced by students in institutions of high learning.

And the FDD leader has called on all students in the country to rally behind the FDD if they are to see an end to their challenges.

Ms. Nawakwi says the issue of students being chased from class due to non-payment of tuition or any other fees should be a concern to every parent regardless of their economic status.

She notes that parents should hence help in finding a solution.

Ms. Nawakwi who was commenting on reports that some diploma students at the Copperbelt University will not be allowed to write their final exams because they owe the university, said there is a better solution to the challenges being faced by students in the country.

She explains that poor leadership by those in government especially in the education sector is the reason why students find themselves in such situations.

She says learning institutions cannot continue sending students away when they have challenges in paying their fees but should instead devise mechanisms which would keep them in school.

The FDD presidential candidate says it is high time that the country puts an end to the situation were students are being pushed away from classes against their will.

Ms Nawakwi says the problem of students being chased from class because of non-payment of fees is a problem for all parents in the country.

She has also bemoaned the continued mishandling of the education sector by the Patriotic Front government saying the solution to the challenges with students is not to chase or brutalize them as has been the case since the PF took office.

She has since advised management at CBU to allow the students who have not settled the outstanding fees write their exams but have their results withheld until their balances are cleared.

Ms Nawakwi says FDD believe that a loan system is the only sustainable way of providing education to students in institutions of higher learning.

She states that her party when elected will ensure that the education sector is well taken care of as it is one of the critical areas that will help speed up the development of the country.

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