HH cries for farmers

HH Luanshya Rally

HH Luanshya Rally

UPND President Hakainde Hichilema has bemoaned the poor treatment of farmers by the PF government.

Speaking when he held rallies in Mpongwe,Masaiti and Luanhsya yesterday, Mr. Hichilema committed to the setting up of an agriculture and livestock loan scheme where farmers can easily access animals and farming implements in order to grow the business and lower the cost of food in the country.

Mr Hichilema told electorates to ignore those in the ruling PF who were copying his messages because they had no vision of their own and had shown they only care about the Zambian people in the run up to elections.

The UPND leader also emphasised the need to improve the poor water and sanitation issues in the country, especially in many places on the Copperbelt rural and urban towns.

Mr. Hichilema’s Copperbelt rural rallies saw him receive endorsements from mainly close relatives of late President Levy Mwanawasa.

Among those that endorsed Mr. Hichilema are former Home Affairs Permanent Secretary Peter Mumba, former Special Assistant to late President Mwanawasa Jack Kalala, former Deputy Minister Lwipa Puma, and late Mwanawasa’s first cousin Dewu Litana.

Masaiti MMD MP Michael Katambo and Lufwanyama MMD MP Annie Chungu together with entire MMD structures in the area also joined the UPND campaign trail.

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