Sata factor is RB’s only barrier – Tayali

he Zambian Voice says former President Rupiah Banda’s can only stand a chance of being reelected President in the absence of the Michael Sata factor.

Executive Director Chilufya Tayali says he believes that apart from President Sata there is no one else from the current crop of politicians who can match former President Banda in an election.

Mr. Tayali observes that Mr. Banda stands a chance of being re-elected now because the political environment is different from that of 2011 in which he lost the presidential elections to President Sata.

He has told Qfm News in an interview that in 2011, Mr. Banda stood on the MMD which had been in power for a period of 20 year and people were therefore fatigued with the MMD and wanted change.

Mr. Tayali says the best political vehicle he thinks Mr. Banda can use to make a political comeback is the opposition Alliance which currently comprises the MMD, Alliance for Better Zambia (ABZ) Zambians for Empowerment and Development (ZED) People’s Party and All People’ Congress (APC).

He says if the opposition Alliance allows Mr. Banda to be its President and stands in the 2016 general elections it will show political maturity on part of leaders in the Alliance themselves.

Mr Tayali states that Mr. Banda is already a respected father figure and has the advantage of being an old politician besides having a unifying disposition.

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