Sata is not being forced to work – Scott

Republican Vice president Guy Scott says President Michael Sata is not being forced by anyone in government to continue working despite widespread fears that he is unknown and that he should take a rest.

Dr. Scott says if President Sata has chose to continue working despite calls that he takes a rest from his presidential duties to recuperate from his alleged illness, it is because the President knows that it is the right thing to do to continue with his work.

He has told Qfm news in an interview that people that are calling for the Head of State to rest should be mindful that politicians do not rest as they would want President Sata to.

Dr. Scott has wondered why some people in the country are insisting that President Sata takes a rest when he himself does not want to.

He has observed that some of the people calling for the Head of State to take break from work are only pretending to be more humane people than they really are as he thinks that they allegedly want what he has termed as an easy technical knockout for them to ascend to the top.

Dr. Scott says he however thinks that nothing can change in the Zambian politics if people who are calling for the Head of State to rest, they themselves took a rest.

The republican vice president has also wondered what the problem is for President Sata to stay in public now when earlier people were calling for his appearing in public.

He says he further thinks that the issue of President Sata’s wellbeing has been over brown by the media and by some people who want to get top jobs without going through an election.

Dr. Scott says far as he is concerned he is happy that the President opened Parliament on Friday yesterday and did give a brief description of the PF government’s policy and a good indication of the ruling party’s direction.

He says he does think that there can be anyone in the opposition who can now give an after thought about President Sata opening Parliament.

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