Impeachment blow to Brazil’s Rousseff

Brazil’s President Dilma Rousseff has suffered a blow to her hopes of staving off impeachment proceedings, after a committee voted they should go ahead. The 65-member congressional committee voted 38 to 27 to recommend impeachment over claims she manipulated government accounts to hide a growing deficit. All eyes will now be on a full vote in the lower house on ...

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Kerry makes historic visit to Hiroshima

US Secretary of State John Kerry has made a historic visit to the Hiroshima memorial in Japan, which commemorates the world’s first atomic bombing. He is the first US secretary of state to ever visit Hiroshima, where around 140,000 were killed when the US dropped its atomic bomb in 1945. Mr Kerry was joined by foreign ministers from the G7 ...

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Strong earthquake shakes Asian cities

A magnitude 6.6 earthquake has been felt across a number of major cities across south-west Asia. The earthquake struck in Afghanistan, close to its border with Tajikistan, at 10:28 GMT, according to the US Geological Survey (USGS). The tremor was felt in Kabul, Islamabad, Lahore and Delhi, forcing residents to leave their homes. In October 2015, a magnitude-7.5 quake in ...

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Indian temple fire kills at least 100

An explosion and blaze sparked by fireworks have killed at least 100 people at a Hindu temple in the Indian state of Kerala, police say. The fireworks, which were to be used to celebrate a local new year festival, exploded about 03:30 (22:15 GMT Saturday), local media say. A building at the temple then collapsed, causing many of the deaths. ...

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Belgium charges four over attacks

Four of six men arrested on Friday over last month’s attacks in Brussels have been charged with terror offences. The four include key suspect Mohamed Abrini, who was also wanted in connection with the attacks in Paris that killed 130 people last November. The prosecutors could not confirm whether Abrini was the “man in the hat”, the third bomber seen ...

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North Korea ‘tests missile engine’

North Korea says it has successfully tested an engine designed for an intercontinental ballistic missile. The new type of engine would “guarantee” the ability to launch a nuclear strike on the US mainland, the KCNA news agency said. The test was conducted at the country’s long-range missile launch site near its west coast. It is the latest in a series ...

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Pope Francis to make key marriage pronouncement

Pope Francis is to make public the conclusions of his two Synods on the family in a document eagerly awaited by 1.3 billion Roman Catholics. It will detail the pope’s views about family life, marriage, contraception and bringing up children. Many hope it will open the way for the church to offer communion to the divorced and civilly remarried, something ...

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Migrant crisis: Deportations resume from Greece to Turkey

A second group of migrants is being sent back from Greece to Turkey as part of an EU deal to reduce the numbers reaching Europe. Three protesters dived into the water to try to stop a ferry carrying 45 Pakistani men as it left Lesbos but were fished out by coastguards. Other protesters tried to enter the gates of the ...

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Panama Papers: Government announces creation of ‘panel of experts’

Panama is creating an international panel to help improve transparency in its offshore financial industry. The move follows the leak of millions of documents from law firm Mossack Fonseca, showing it helped some clients evade tax and avoid sanctions. Several countries are probing possible financial crimes by the rich and powerful in the aftermath of the leak. President Juan Carlos ...

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How China’s wealth is sneaked abroad

In the shadow of Hong Kong’s big banks, rows of currency exchange shops specialise in quick, anonymous transactions. But behind the scenes, much larger deals are helping to move money at an unprecedented rate. Wealth is flowing from the mainland, through currency dealers in Hong Kong and beyond. The leaked Mossack Fonseca documents have revealed to us how the families ...

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