A Cool Minute With Drake’s Dad Dennis Graham

Dennis Graham

Dennis Graham

By Darryl Love

(AllHipHop Features) One upon a time, Drake’s father was hidden to the people; not any more. Dennis Graham, a musician from Mississippi, has emerged on front street in many ways to provide the proverbial yang to Drizzy’s Canadian mom’s ying. His new song “Kinda Crazy” is a smooth R&B jam that harkens to an era where singers oozed soul. If you have paid attention, soul is one thing Dennis Graham has plenty of. Almost half a million YourTube views later, Mr. Graham is on his way to defining his life beyond being the father of a rap star. AllHipHop correspondent Darryl Love recently caught up with the OG for a chat at a soiree celebrating his success.

AllHipHop: Darryl Love here with AllHipHop and I am standing with none other than the infamous Dennis Graham! How are you?

Dennis Graham: I’m good, baby!

AllHipHop: This is amazing for you. We are celebrating your song “Kinda crazy” and the video.

Dennis Graham: Yes! Yesssss!

AllHipHop: This is your first solo premiere as an artist for yourself. How are you feeling at this time?

Dennis Graham: Great. Great. I Love it

AllHipHop: Ok, It’s 2017 what can we expect?

Dennis Graham: Ah, lots more. Lots more. I got stuff that I’m workin’ on, This this track here is produced by a young man named Dustin Hughes. Right now, I’m starting to produce my own music.

AllHipHop: Oh wow!

Dennis Graham: Yeah, I’m producing my own.

AllHipHop: Ok, what brought you to that point?

Dennis Graham: Ah feelin’ myself…

AllHipHop: Feelin’ yo’self …(laughs).

AllHipHop: Ok, so what’s been takin place now with you and Drake at this point? Now, that you’re a solo artist, you’re doing music, he’s doing music…what can we expect?

Dennis Graham: (Playing coy) Ah…that’s…in the future.

AllHipHop: In the future. Can you tell us something that nobody knows about you?

Dennis Graham: I’m a lover, baby. (haha)

AllHipHop: Tell us a little bit about your music? How’d you get into this?

Dennis Graham: God, I started playin music…

AllHipHop: I know you’re self taught, piano, guitar and drums.

Dennis Graham: And bass.

AllHipHop: Tell us how did that happen?

Dennis Graham: I started out in revivals, doing Wednesday revivals at a little…Sunday school. Yeah, I started and I was playing guitar there. Not really playing but faking it.

AllHipHop: Ok.

Dennis Graham: Nobody knew what I was doing.

AllHipHop: Talkin about faking it.

Dennis Graham: Ok, can you give us some influence that you gave to Drake?

Dennis Graham: I told him to do whatever he felt he wanted to do and do it the best that he could. You got my blessing.

AllHipHop: He got your blessing for real.

Dennis Graham: I wanted him to be a lawyer.

AllHipHop: Oh wow.

Dennis Graham: But uhh…

AllHipHop: …He became an actor, then he became a…

Dennis Graham: …And he followed my footsteps there.

AllHipHop: So far all the creatives coming after you and all the musicians who idolize you, what can you say as far as inspiration?

Dennis Graham: Follow your dreams. Follow your dreams Whatever it is…follow your dreams.

AllHipHop: Appreciate you Mr. Graham. Thank you.

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